Cannabis and sleep; do the two go together? Sleep difficulties are problems that affect many people. You need sleep to function properly. But when your biological clock does not tell your body when it is time for a deep sleep, you do not wake up rested the next morning.

If you suffer from sleepless nights, you are not alone. Studies show that as many as 30% of adults suffer from sleep problems. There are several causes of sleep problems, including anxiety, stress and pain. People who struggle with sleep difficulties try different methods to get a better night’s sleep. One solution that people are increasingly using is cannabis as an aid.

People often use cannabis, also known as marijuana, for recreational purposes. Most people enjoy a high in social situations. In recent years, however, cannabis has increasingly been used as a natural treatment for health problems. It is speculated that cannabinoids and terpenes may also help with disturbed sleep. But is cannabis actually beneficial to your sleep or does sleep quality suffer when consuming the plant? Find out if going to sleep while stoned is the solution.

Smoking and sleeping: the solution?

The cannabis plant affects various bodily functions. An example is falling asleep. Many therapeutic users report that cannabis helps them sleep better. If you have experience using cannabis, you may have noticed that it indeed affects your ability to fall asleep, how much you dream and how rested you feel in the morning.

Much is still unknown about the impact of cannabis on the human body. Scientific research shows that it affects sleep in several ways. Research indicates that cannabis may promote sleep readiness and reduce the likelihood of disturbed sleep. This has proven especially true in people with sleep problems or chronic pain.

This finding may be related to the interaction of cannabinoids. THC and CBD interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). These cannabinoids can increase the level of adenosine. This promotes sleep, and decreases alertness. While these results are promising, there is still much to discover.

Beter slapen door cannabis

Types of cannabis that promote sleep

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are two active ingredients in cannabis. THC acts psychoactively, while CBD has a relaxing effect. CBD-rich strains are therefore suitable for improving sleep because they do not cause a high.

Indica-dominant strains are generally CBD-rich strains. These contain high levels of CBD, and low levels of THC. People often use CBD for medical purposes. CBD has a calming effect that can help reduce anxiety and stress.

What cannabis strains should you choose for good sleep?

There are numerous indica-dominant strains with high CBD content. These have a positive impact on sleep. Below are some popular strains of cannabis for falling asleep.

Northern Lights

Northern Lights is a very popular strain among cannabis connoisseurs. It produces a relaxing effect, making it work well for people who have difficulty falling asleep.

Dutch Duchess

If you have trouble sleeping, the Dutch Duchess cannabis strain is also a good option. This strain has mostly kush genetics with as much as 70% coming from the indica plant. This results in intense physical relaxation complemented by a mentally calming effect.

Grandaddy Purple

Grandaddy Purple offers a calming effect that enhances your mood. It is suitable for people who have trouble sleeping. This strain is also recommended for pain conditions. Grandaddy Purple is a cross of two well-known strains, Big Bud and Purple Urkle. People who use it recreationally appreciate its calming effect. Perfect for bedtime! This weed is also used for medical purposes. It stimulates the appetite and reduces complaints such as stress, depression or pain.

CBD oil

CBD oil is an extract of the cannabis plant. It is a good solution for people who want to quit smoking cannabis and still need help getting to sleep. CBD offers the relaxing components of cannabis as an oil. However, it doesn’t contain THC.

3 tips on how to use cannabis for sleep

  • Finding the right dosage is one of the most important tips when using cannabis. Too high a dosage can lead to unwanted side effects. Too low a dosage will not be effective. Therefore, it is important to start with a low dosage. You can then gradually increase this until you achieve the desired results.
  • There are several ways to consume cannabis. Consider smoking, vaping, edibles, and tinctures. For sleep problems, people often use cannabis edibles because the effects last longer. Also, you can measure these more easily than smoking or vaporizing.
  • When to consume cannabis for a good night’s sleep depends on the method of ingestion. When ingesting edibles, such as space cake made from cannabis butter, it takes several hours before you feel the effect. So it is recommended to eat the edibles 1-2 hours before going to bed.

Cannabis and sleep: What to consider?

Watch your tolerance for cannabis. Although hash effects may be desirable, cannabis contains addictive components. Users should keep a close eye on whether their tolerance is building. If you become physically dependent on cannabis, it is wise to taper off.

In addition, long-term use of cannabis can affect sleep quality. REM sleep, the deep sleep in which you dream, becomes shorter. This can sometimes cause you to wake up tired after all. On the other hand, you do fall asleep faster and thus have more time to rest.

Furthermore, the road to a better night’s sleep with cannabis is a matter of trial and error. What works for one person may not work as well for another. At The Border, we have a variety of cannabis and CBD products. This way, we meet everyone’s needs.

Here’s how The Border ensures a better night’s sleep

Cannabis is a natural product that is becoming increasingly popular for a good night’s sleep. It has become clear that several types of cannabis positively affect sleep.

Would you also like a better night’s sleep using cannabis? At The Border you will find a huge assortment of indica-rich cannabis strains. You’ll also find CBD products that promote sleep. Stop by our coffeeshop in Amsterdam on the edge of the Amsterdamse Bos.