Does a joint make sense after the gym? People are becoming increasingly curious about the connection between cannabis and sports. How does cannabis affect exercise, both positively and negatively?

Advocates claim that cannabis reduces stress, relieves pain and promotes recovery, positively influencing sports performance. On the other hand, there also seem to be negative effects involved, such as reduced coordination and concentration. Find out more about the effect of cannabis on sports performance.

Benefits of cannabis for athletes

Athletes are increasingly recognising cannabis as a potential aide. Research points to several benefits cannabis can offer in regards to sports performance.

Pain relief

A key benefit is pain relief. Many studies show that cannabinoids, the active ingredients in cannabis, can reduce pain and inhibit inflammation.

For athletes, this is interesting since they can use it to manage painful injuries. It can also help promote quick recovery after a tough workout.

Stress and anxiety

In addition, cannabis can play a role in reducing anxiety and stress. This can directly affect sports performance. When an athlete has anxiety or stress, it can affect concentration and focus.

Cannabis can help reduce this feeling, allowing athletes to perform better. Athletes suggest that using cannabis contributes to a more relaxed mental state.

Sleep quality

Sleep is an important factor in the recovery of your physical state. Have you had a tough training session? Then a good night’s sleep is necessary for your muscles to recover.

Studies show that certain cannabinoids, such as CBD, can improve sleep quality. This is because it prolongs the duration of deep sleep. This is beneficial for athletes striving for optimal performance.

While these potential benefits are promising, they should be treated with caution. Individual responses to cannabis can, of course, vary. In addition, athletes should consider regulations regarding the use of cannabis in their specific sport.

Further research is also needed to better understand long-term effects and optimal dosages for athletes. Despite these challenges, current findings suggest that cannabis can play a valuable role in improving sports performance.

Cannabis and sports

Negative effects of cannabis on sports performance

Cannabis use can also have adverse effects on sports performance. Three potential risks warrant special consideration.

Reduced coordination

First, cannabis can lead to reduced coordination and reaction time. In many sports, excellent reaction time and coordination are essential.

Why does cannabis make you react more slowly? The psychoactive substances in cannabis, such as THC, can affect nerve signals. This results in slower reactions and less precise movements. For athletes who rely on sharp reflexes and quick decision-making, this can be a hindrance.

Cardiovascular capacity

A second concern is the effect of cannabis on cardiovascular capacity. Cannabis appears to dilate blood vessels, which would improve oxygen supply to muscles.

Yet there is also evidence that it can increase heart rate. This could have an adverse effect, especially in endurance sports.

Potential long-term effects

Not enough is yet known about the long-term effects of cannabis on exercise. We do know that long-term use can lead to impaired memory, concentration problems and sleep disturbances. Moreover, long-term use of cannabis can affect motivation. This impacts consistency and dedication to a training programme.

While cannabis is a welcome solution for athletes, you should consider its potential negative effects. Maintaining optimal physical and mental health is crucial. Being aware of the potential risks can be helpful.

Is cannabis doping?

Stimulants can give athletes an advantage in a competition. In professional competitions, doping rules have therefore been established to ensure fair and equal conditions.  The consequences of violating these rules vary worldwide. The bottom line is that every competition ethically strives for equality in sport.

Cannabis, although legal in some countries, is often considered doping because of its performance-enhancing effects. Legally, its use in sport can lead to disciplinary action.

This is where an ethical dilemma arises. After all, cannabis can be considered medicinal in some cases. But it can also disrupt equality in competition.

Sports take different approaches when it comes to cannabis use. This usually depends on the nature of the activity. Some sports tolerate it within certain limits, while others maintain a zero-tolerance policy.

Professional athletes smoke weed too

In 2009, swimming champion Michael Phelps was criticised for smoking cannabis at a party. He lost his sponsorship contract and was suspended for three months by USA Swimming.

But now, years later, people have a different view on cannabis use. Many top athletes, such as NBA player Michael Beasley and Arnold Schwarzenegger, talk openly about recreational cannabis use. While a joint may not seem ideal for athletes, there are benefits to using cannabis.

Cannabis helps with relaxation and pain relief, which is good for athletes after tough workouts. Some athletes even say it helps with their concentration and focus. Although there are rules about the use of marijuana in sports, there is a growing understanding that it does not always have to be negative. People are now increasingly looking at the potential benefits of cannabis use, especially in the context of professional sports.

Cannabis and sportsperformance

What does research say?

Scientific studies on cannabis and sports performance support this idea. They show significant improvements in pain relief.

Also, some studies indicate that cannabis has the potential to promote recovery after intense training. The personal experiences of athletes confirm these findings. Many report that cannabis helps them relax and focus.

A 2019 study shows that people who smoke cannabis before exercise have more fun during exercise. The study found a link between cannabis use and higher exercise rates.

Most people found the activity more enjoyable after smoking weed, according to the study. As a result, they were more motivated to go to the gym regularly.

In short, the effect of cannabis seems to have a positive influence on the enjoyment of sport, and the tendency to work out.

Cannabis and sports: a match made in heaven?

The image of cannabis in sport is slowly shifting. However, it is still important to consider regulations and possible negative consequences. While it seems to promote sleep quality and pain relief, cannabis can also reduce physical performance. For instance, cannabis seems to have an effect on the cardiovascular system and may affect coordination.

Future research will shed more light on the connection between cannabis and sports. Are you longing for quality cannabis that lets you relax after a workout session? Then head to The Border, the coffee shop next to the Amsterdamse Bos.