That cannabis can help with a range of health problems, from hay fever to cancer and muscle pain, you’ve already read on our blog. What we haven’t talked about yet are the different ways you can use cannabis. At least, not very extensive. Of course, you already know you can smoke cannabis and maybe you’re familiar with vaping and edibles but are you also familiar with micro-dosing?

What is micro-dosing?

Micro-dosing is taking psychedelics in doses that are much lower than the amounts needed for a trip or a high. In the case of cannabis, for example, this means smoking only 2 mg of THC instead of 20 mg. The experience of smoking cannabis is meant to be ‘sub-perceptual’. By this, we mean that you shouldn’t feel like you’ve smoked.

The goal of micro-dosing is that you do experience the benefits of a psychedelic like cannabis and at the same time keep functioning normally. So you don’t get high or stoned. A micro dosage of THC can be used as a ‘performance enhancer’ in sports, as a tool in emotional situations or to activate your spiritual side. Microdoses are also used to get relief from physical and mental illnesses, such as depression.

Tips for micro-dosing

When you start micro-dosing, it is useful to prepare yourself well and to know what you are getting yourself into. We give you 5 tips to help you find the right dose of cannabis for your specific purpose.

  • Choose the right type of cannabis
  • Always start carefully
  • Experiment
  • Be mindful of your situation
  • Have patience

1. Choose the right type of cannabis

There are several cannabis strains. One variety gives you more energy and the other makes you slow as if you’re glued to the couch. So you have to know what kind of cannabis you want to use, but also take into account its power. For example, you can use light strains during the day and stronger strains in the evenings.

2. Start carefully

Before you’ve found the ideal dose you’re most likely several attempts further. It always takes time to find your ideal dose, regardless of the cannabis strain or method of consumption. Start with a low dose and then increase your dose little by little. Do you notice that you get stoned or high? Then the dose is too high and you have to decrease your dose.

3. Experiment

Besides finding the ideal dose and the right cannabis strain, you can also experiment with different consumption methods. Would you like to smoke cannabis? Then keep in mind that it is difficult to be very accurate with this method. There can be big differences between cannabis buds of the same plant. Dosing is a lot easier with oil, capsules, or edibles. You can also choose to make your own supply of oil or weed butter*, thus minimizing the differences considerably.

*A recipe for making weed butter can be found in this blogpost: Chillout during Christmas with these festive snacks and beverages full of weed.

4. Be mindful of your situation

The amount of cannabis you need depends strongly on the situation. For example, are you planning on going to work, play sports or relax in the sauna? A small amount may be sufficient for work and a higher dose may be better suited when you meet up with friends. We advise you to keep a diary of your doses and the effects. That way you can discover how you react to different doses in different situations.

5. Be patient

Microdosing requires patience. Especially when you’re used to getting high or stoned because then the effect is quickly perceptible. After taking a microdose, take at least 20 minutes to see if you are experiencing effects. Keep in mind it’s not about waiting for that familiar high, but for other desired effects, such as more rest or energy. Try to listen carefully to your body. For example, you can write down how you feel before the intake and after 20 minutes. Is there any difference?

Micro-dosing and depression

There are indications that micro-dosing cannabis has a positive effect on those who battle with depression. At best, cannabis can be an alternative to antidepressants, without the side effects of this form of medication. If you wish to start micro-dosing cannabis it is important to discuss this with your doctor beforehand so that it can be excluded that cannabis has an unwanted interaction with your specific situation and medication.

The use of depressants can have nasty side-effects. For example, you may suffer from nausea, dizziness, weight gain, and diarrhea. If you use microdoses of cannabis as an alternative, you will not experience these side effects. However, it may happen that you experience other side effects, such as tiredness or wanting to rest or sleep. These effects are not experienced as annoying by most users. It is important to stick to the appropriate microdoses because high doses of cannabis can actually intensify depression and anxiety.

For most users, a microdose of cannabis can provide relief from symptoms, without the physical side effects. And because it doesn’t make you stoned or high, you can continue to function well in your daily life.

Visit our coffeeshop in Amsterdam

Do you want to start micro-dosing? At our coffeeshop in Amsterdam, you are assured of quality cannabis. Our staff members – who hold an official budtender diploma – can advise you which cannabis type is most suitable for you. You can find coffeeshop The Border at the Amstelveenseweg 1160, on the border of Amsterdam and Amstelveen. Take a look at our current opening hours because of the corona measures in force in the Netherlands.