Privacy statement

Privacy statement  

This privacy statement provides a full explanation of how we collect your personal data and what we do with it. Coffeeshop The Border is responsible for the processing of your personal data This privacy statement can be amended if necessary.

 1 Who we are: Coffeeshop The Border

Coffeeshop The Border BV, located at Amstelveenseweg 1160 in Amstelveen. Chamber of Commerce number: 33236532.

Contact information:
Amstelveenseweg 1160
1081 JW Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 642 0681 

3 Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data:

  • Newsletter: Coffeeshop The Border processes your personal data because you use our services or supply us with goods or services. Coffeeshop The Border sends newsletters by email in order to share knowledge. Your name and email address are collected using a registration form. You may also be verbally invited to subscribe to the newsletter or by using a registration form at the counter. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), sets certain conditions for processing personal data. We need a legal basis to do this. The GDPR has six principles. Sending a newsletter is based on the principle of ‘consent’.
  • Email: If you contact The Border by email, your details (your name and email address) will be collected. The purpose of this is to communicate with you or to answer questions. The data needed to communicate by email is processed on the basis of a ‘legitimate interest’.
  • Google Analytics: The Border’s website collects your data to improve the website. This is done using Google Analytics. The information is anonymous and is therefore not linked to your personal data. Your IP address is anonymised for this purpose. Examples include information such as how long you spent on our website visit and the pages you frequently visit. This data processing is based on the principle of ‘legitimate interest’.

It is not our intention to collect data on our website about website visitors who are under the age of 18. However, if you are convinced that we have collected personal data about a minor without this consent, please contact us at We will then delete the data immediately.

4 Data recipients

The data that The Border receives and processes is automatically managed. We use the following computer programs or systems:

  • MailChimp: We send our newsletters via MailChimp. As soon as you sign up for the newsletter, your email address will automatically be saved in the appropriate MailChimp list. Each newsletter contains a clear unsubscribe button. You can also change your data yourself at any time.
  • Google. The Border emails are hosted by Google (gmail). If you contact us by email, the emails in question will be stored on Google’s servers.
  • Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics. The use of these cookies is explained under the heading Cookies.
  • Skyberate: The website and backups of The Border’s website are hosted by Skyberate. Data you leave on The Border’s website by means of the cookies listed below will be stored on Skyberate’s servers.

We use these programs to improve the user experience of this website and to keep our customers informed. Google Analytics collects data anonymously.

We use MailChimp to send newsletters exclusively to recipients who have signed up for them.

For how long do we store your personal data (retention period)?

We never store your personal data for longer than is necessary.

  • Newsletter: Your email address and name are saved in MailChimp. This data is stored indefinitely. We will keep your email address for the newsletter until you take action yourself to unsubscribe.
  • Contact by email: If you contact The Border by email, the data you send will be stored on the mail server. This includes, for example, your name, company name and email address. Those emails are retained.
  • Google Analytics: The information Analytics collects on the website is anonymous, which means that it is not linked to your name, company or email address. Your IP address is anonymised. This data is stored for an indefinite period of time in Google Analytics.

5 Security

Your data is only managed in the systems and software referred to above. The personal data collected by The Border or the third parties mentioned above is password protected. The Border will only issue personal data to third parties if necessary for the performance of our agreement with you or to meet our legal obligations. We also save your data for the newsletter.

6 Cookies and similar technologies that we use

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit this website for the first time.

The Border uses functional cookies. These cookies ensure that the website works properly and, for example, that your preferred settings are remembered. They are used to ensure that the website works properly and to optimise it.The Border also uses analytical cookies to analyse the website visits. Google Analytics is set up in the most privacy-friendly way, and only anonymised data is processed.

SSL certificate: This means that your connection to The Border’s website is private. You can recognise this security by the green lock before the URL.

You can refuse cookies by configuring your internet browser in such a way that it no longer stores them. You can also use your browser settings to delete all information previously stored.

7 Your rights:

  • Right of access: You have the right to access, rectify or erase your personal data at all times.
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to have your data rectified by The Border.
  • Right of portability: If you need data stored at The Border, you have the right to transfer it to another organisation. In this case, we must transfer all your data to another party.
  • Right to erase data: If you no longer want your data registered with The Border, you have the right to have it erased.
  • Right to complain: You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority if you feel that The Border is not handling your data correctly. You can do this using this link.
  • Right to stop data use (objection): If you no longer want The Border to use your data, you have the right to object to this. In that case you can withdraw your consent for your data to be processed.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please send a specified request to that effect to

To verify that the request for access has been made by you, we ask you to send us a copy of your proof of identity with the request. In this copy, black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number (BSN). This to protect your privacy. This can be done, for example, using the government’s CopyID app.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but with within four weeks at the latest. The Border may not be able or allowed to comply with a request owing to a legitimate interest or a legal obligation. In that case, The Border will let you know in its response to your request.

  1. Obligations

If it is necessary to share information you have shared with The Border with parties other than those mentioned above, your consent will be requested first where needed. This applies, for example, to the provision of a service. Your data will never be sold to third parties.

We take the protection of your data seriously and take appropriate measures to prevent its misuse, loss, unauthorised access, undesirable disclosure and unauthorised modification.

If you feel that your data is not secure or there are signs of misuse, please contact us directly at

The Border reserves the right to disclose the data if required to do so by law or if The Border deems this justifiable to comply with a legal petition or legal proceedings or to protect the rights, property or security of The Border. In so doing, we always try to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.

The Border Team.

Amsterdam, 28 May 2018