Smoking ban in Amsterdam: opinions are divided
A ban on smoking joints was recently introduced in the entire Red Light District, including Dam Square, Damrak and Nieuwmarkt. Both residents and visitors to the area must abide by this ban. If someone still chooses to light up a joint, a fine of 100 euros may be imposed. The municipality has stated that the fine will only be imposed if a first warning is not complied with.
The introduction of this policy has evoked several reactions from city residents. Residents in the center of the city of Amsterdam have expressed their views regarding the new policy.
Smoking ban won’t help
There is disagreement among many Amsterdam residents about the ban on the use of soft drugs in the city center. According to them, this ban is at odds with the long-standing freedom for which Amsterdam is known. Others who oppose the ban on cannabis mainly have doubts about its enforcement. They experience little nuisance from people using soft drugs and think the municipality would do better to focus on enforcing existing prohibitions, such as urinating in public, drug dealing, public drunkenness, noise pollution and litter. Instead of introducing new rules, current rules should be better enforced.
A downtown resident commented that he does not experience nuisance from blowers, but he is bothered by the crowds caused by tourism. These crowds often consist of large noisy groups, which causes annoyance to residents. However, he believes that banning smoking on the streets will not change this. He rarely sees tourists using weed on the streets, as they do so mainly in coffee shops and on the terraces. Moreover, according to him, people who smoke are quiet and cause little noise pollution.
Another resident advocates measures that are in the best interests of residents, rather than anti-tourist policies that sometimes penalize residents. He stresses that the smoking ban should be a temporary rule and that it should be reconsidered if it does not yield positive results, in order to preserve residents’ freedom.
Other residents predict that now that the ban has been implemented, weed smokers will simply move down a street. This could lead to an excess of smokers in the canal belt.

Supporters of the smoking ban
There are also proponents of the smoking ban who believe that the decision to ban drug use in the inner city is a positive step. They believe that this ban will help curb drug tourism and improve the living environment of residents. They believe the ban will restore the city’s appeal.
A city center resident is very positive about the new policy. He is repeatedly surprised by the large number of people who openly use cannabis in public places at various times.
A mother, who also lives in the city center, agrees. She believes that prohibition will actually make a difference. She notes that significant changes have taken place in the city center in recent years. According to her, the smell of marijuana is everywhere on the streets. Children are regularly confronted with this and find it very unpleasant.
No consensus among Amsterdam residents
Although there are different opinions about the ban on smoking cannabis in the center of Amsterdam, the majority do not seem to agree with the ban. They predict that this policy will have no effect on reducing nuisances that the municipality is aiming for. Others, however, believe that the ban will have a positive impact on the livability and image of the city.
It is clear that the ban on cannabis smoking in the city center of Amsterdam has caused a discussion about personal freedom, the livability of the city and the image of Amsterdam. It is a complex issue where different interests are at odds with each other. How the ban will ultimately function and whether the municipality can enforce it, is something we will have to wait and see.

Want to smoke outside?
Fortunately, the smoking ban only applies in the city center. If you like to smoke outside, you can visit The Border. This location, located at the edge of the Amsterdamse Bos, is perfect for shopping for high-quality weed and enjoying your joint in the fresh air. Stop by The Border and experience it for yourself!